Copy dates for Kipper Life Magazines

February 2025 magazines
Lindfield Life
Copy date 14th January
Delivery between 25th - 31st January

Hurst Life
Copy date 21st January
Delivery between 1st - 7th February

Hassocks Life
Copy date 28th January
Delivery between 8th - 14th February

Cuckfield Life
Copy date 4th February
Delivery between 15th - 21st February

March magazines
Lindfield Life
Copy date 11th February
Delivery between 22nd - 28th February

Hurst Life
Copy date 18th February
Delivery between 1st - 7th March

Hassocks Life
Copy date 25th February
Delivery between 8th - 14th March

Cuckfield Life
Copy date 4th March
Delivery between 15th - 21st March

April magazines
Lindfield Life
Copy date 11th March
Delivery between 22nd - 28th March

Hurst Life
Copy date 18th March
Delivery between 29th Mar - 4th April

Hassocks Life
Copy date 25th March
Delivery between 5th - 11th April

Cuckfield Life
Copy date 1st April
Delivery between 12th - 18th April

May magazines
Lindfield Life
Copy date 1st April ** NOTE CHANGE **
Delivery between 19th - 25th April

Hurst Life
Copy date 15th April
Delivery between 26th April - 2nd May

Hassocks Life
Copy date 22nd April
Delivery between 3rd - 9th May

Cuckfield Life
Copy date 29th April
Delivery between 10th - 16th May

June magazines
Lindfield Life
Copy date 6th May
Delivery between 17th - 23rd May

Hurst Life
Copy date 13th May
Delivery between 24th - 30th May

Hassocks Life
Copy date 20th May
Delivery between 31st May - 6th June

Cuckfield Life
Copy date 27th May
Delivery between 7th - 13th June

July magazines
Lindfield Life
Copy date 3rd June
Delivery between 14th - 20th June

Hurst Life
Copy date 10th June
Delivery between 21st - 27th June

Hassocks Life
Copy date 17th June
Delivery between 28th June - 4th July

Cuckfield Life
Copy date 24th June
Delivery between 5th - 11th July

August magazines
Lindfield Life
Copy date 8th July
Delivery between 19th - 25th July

Hurst Life
Copy date 15th July
Delivery between 26th July - 1st August

Hassocks Life
Copy date 22nd July
Delivery between 2nd - 8th August

Cuckfield Life
Copy date 29th July
Delivery between 9th - 15th August

September magazines
Lindfield Life
Copy date 12th August
Delivery between 23rd - 29th August

Hurst Life
Copy date 19th August
Delivery between 30th August - 5th September

Hassocks Life
Copy date 26th August
Delivery between 6th - 12th September

Cuckfield Life
Copy date 2nd September
Delivery between 13th - 19th September

October magazines
Lindfield Life
Copy date 9th September
Delivery between 20th - 26th September

Hurst Life
Copy date 16th September
Delivery between 27th September - 3rd October

Hassocks Life
Copy date 23rd September
Delivery between 4th - 10th October

Cuckfield Life
Copy date 30th September
Delivery between 11th - 17th October

November magazines
Lindfield Life
Copy date 7th October
Delivery between 18th - 24th October

Hurst Life
Copy date 14th October
Delivery between 25th - 31st October

Hassocks Life
Copy date 21st October
Delivery between 1st - 7th November

Cuckfield Life
Copy date 28th October
Delivery between 8th - 14th November

December magazines
Lindfield Life
Copy date 4th November
Delivery between 15th - 21st November

Hurst Life
Copy date 11th November
Delivery between 22nd - 28th November

Hassocks Life
Copy date 18th November
Delivery between 29th November - 5th December

Cuckfield Life
Copy date 25th November
Delivery between 6th - 12th December

2022 Copy Dates for Kipper Life Magazines

November magazines
Lindfield Life

Copy date 11th October
Delivery between 22nd October - 28th October

Hurst Life
Copy date 18th October
Delivery between 29th October - 4th November

Hassocks Life
Copy date 25th October
Delivery between 5th November - 11th November

Cuckfield Life Copy date 1st November
Delivery between 12th November - 18th November

December magazines
Lindfield Life

Copy date 8th November
Delivery between 19th - 25th November

Hurst Life
Copy date 15th November
Delivery between 26th November - 2nd December

Hassocks Life
Copy date 22nd November
Delivery between 3rd December - 9th December

Cuckfield Life
Copy date 29th November
Delivery between 10th - 16th December

Sophie Broad steps in to support magazine advertisers

David and Sophie - Kipper Life magazines

By David Tingley, editor

I am delighted to welcome Sophie Broad to the Kipper Life family.

Sophie started as our office administrator a couple of weeks ago and, as part of her role here, she'll probably be the first person you speak to if you phone us, and will schedule and invoice your next advertising contract with us.

Sophie brings with her years of marketing experience from the hotel industry as well as knowledge of running a family business - and she's already proving to be a great fit at Kipper!

Salesperson added to Kipper Life magazines team

We are delighted to have recently announced a new member of the team.

Emily Billson, Emily Hitchcock & David Tingley

Emily Billson, Emily Hitchcock & David Tingley

Kipper Life works in four separate areas with its four titles - Lindfield Life, Cuckfield Life, Hurst Life and Hassocks Life. Each magazine is distributed at no cost to residents of each village on a monthly basis, with the company now printing over 17,000 magazines per month.

Business owner and editor David Tingley launched Lindfield Life 12 years ago, and has been adding villages and titles to the Kipper Life family since the second magazine - Cuckfield Life -  was born in 2012.

“It is a privilege to work in these villages,” David said. “Each has its own feel and identity, but all have a strong desire to come together locally. All we are doing is helping to foster and encourage this sense of community, in print each month.”

David leads a team of nine who ‘make the magic happen’, including writers and editors, a proofreader, a creative artworker and a website editor. Newly recruited salesperson Emily Hitchcock is the most recent addition who will be working alongside David and office manager Emily Billson.

“We know that the last 12 months have been a challenge for most businesses - and for some it's been incredibly difficult where trading has had to cease entirely for long periods of time,” David continued. “We have always tried to support small businesses in and around our villages and we look forward to continuing to do so. With Emily now working with us, we hope to be able to expand our reach and talk to more businesses in the area. Getting new customers is now more important than ever - and that’s something which we have a great track record of doing for our advertisers.”


Emily Hitchcock, who lives in Hurstpierpoint and has been a reader of Hurst Life since the beginning, commented: “I’m really looking forward to being part of the team that creates this amazing product that I know from personal experience, is greatly enjoyed locally by its readers.”

 If your business would like more customers from any or all of the residents of Lindfield, Cuckfield, Hurstpierpoint or Hassocks - then Emily would be delighted to hear from you. You can call the office on 01444 715345 or email to get hold of a current advertising guide.

Hassocks Life magazine launched


We have has recently launched our fourth title created for the community of Hassocks.

Hassocks Life was unveiled by editor David Tingley on 22nd March. This new magazine follows in the footsteps and format of Kipper’s other titles Lindfield Life, Cuckfield Life and Hurst Life. They are all monthly magazines which get to the heart of each village community, and are delivered to the doors of all homes in the respective areas.

The first issue of Hassocks Life will be delivered to homes in Hassocks, Keymer and Clayton on Tuesday 7th May. If you’d like your business to be promoted to the residents of Hassocks then get in touch with David or Emily Billson at Kipper on 01444 884115 or via the website before 23rd April 2019.

Community Service Award for magazine editor


The Chairman of Mid Sussex District Council has marked the exceptional work of community spirited individuals from throughout the district with a special awards ceremony on Sunday 16th September 2018.

Each year, Mid Sussex District Council invites its Members, and town and parish councils, to nominate residents who dedicate their time, skills and energy to enhancing the quality of community life.

David Tingley, editor of Lindfield Life magazine was one of those awarded! David was nominated by both Lindfield parish councils for the work in starting up and running Lindfield Life, as well as his work on the organising team for Village Day and volunteering on a Steering Group at All Saints Church for the ASPIRE refurbishment project. David commented: “It was truly humbling to be included amongst those who have done so much in our local communities.”

Kipper launches new community magazine for Hurstpierpoint

Hurst Life is born! 

This month we finally launch our third title - Hurst Life - which we look forward to being welcomed into the amazing community of Hurstpierpoint in West Sussex. We are looking for any local stories happening in the village, but also any businesses that are looking to promote and advertise their products and services to Hurstpierpoint and beyond. With our excellent blend of ultra local content alongside your adverts, we have created magazines which will genuinely stay around on residents coffee tables for the whole month. 

Contact us for more information about advertising your business to Hurstpierpoint. 

GDB launch with new members magazine

The Gatwick Diamond Business Association (GDB) will soon be sending out their latest Update magazine - a bi-monthly publication that keeps members up to date with the association, but also with changes and news from within the membership. 

At Kipper we created the new look Update magazine and worked closely with Jeremy Taylor in handling the copy for it between us, and getting the look and feel right. 

In particular he was keen to ensure there was still a little something quirky about GDBs magazine, so the company mascot (called Munki, pictured) makes a couple of appearances following his photoshoot session at GDB HQ at Basepoint in Crawley last week! 

Up close to motorway signs

I recently embarked on a trip to The Design Museum. I have had a secret love of motorway signs for some years now - having admired their sheer scale when dashing past them at 70mph. So to get up and close to one was pretty cool! 

The motorway sign system was designed by Kinneir Calvert in the 1960s, with a need to be legible from 180m away - hence their size. The M1 Motorway signs was a test case for the designers, which, after its success, meant that they went on to design and unify the entire road sign system - which we still use today. The font, Transport, was specially designed for this usage. 

I think the thing I love about it is the scale. BIG typography. (I'll blog about car park signage another time!) All of this proves that the best signage in the world is both simple and clear. 


The day we decopatched an Apple mouse...

 You may have seen it on our Christmas cards by now, but this is the moment that we got all creative and enjoyed a bit of pre-Christmas decopatch. Decopatch is a simple process; to do this we used one Apple magic mouse (its better if its already broken!), a small amount of nice wrapping paper, some watered down PVA glue and a paint brush. Simply brush the glue onto the surface first, then begin laying small pieces of ripped paper onto it. Use the brush to stick it down, by painting glue on top of the paper. After a while you'll be done. Leave overnight to dry. And, hey presto; you got yourself a mouse decoration! Warning, it probably won't work again after this treatment. Although we found a great new use for it is on the top of our Christmas Tree! 

Good brand, good customer service

A recent trip to a Mercedes dealership for my Smart car called to mind the importance of customer service. I was greeted by name in the car park, and shown to the reception. Whilst waiting for my car to be serviced, I was continually asked whether I wanted another drink. In fact, I rather enjoyed the peace and quiet of the showroom to get some work done actually! The service manager assigned to my car kept me well updated with the progress, and apologised for the time it had taken. When it was ready, I was well fed and watered and the car had had a full valet inside and out. Plus, when I got to my car there was a notice inside the car which apologised that they may have moved my seat - as if they had to apologise!

Anyway, the point is Mercedes is an iconic brand, and one renowned for its quality. As a customer it certainly lived up to its reputation, and led to great satisfaction on my part. This is where brand strategy goes far past just a logo!

Designing success

What role is your image having in your business’ fight against the gloomy financial climate?

It is, undoubtedly, a tough world out there at the moment for many businesses. With the constantly changing global forecasts and economic statistics buzzing around the media it can be confusing and very daunting to consider the state and position of your business, within the bigger picture.

However sometimes it’s the smaller picture that provides more clarity. The small picture is your business, and when you look very carefully at the things that are in your control, it can become much easier to deal with.

The former Sector Skills Development Agency carried out research which showed businesses that don’t invest in growth during a recession are 2.5 times more likely to fail than those that do. When times are tough, it may be tempting to cut the marketing budget, but it seems that this approach is not always the best plan.
According to the Design Council “85% of rapidly growing businesses consider design to be integral or significant to their operations. Nearly two-thirds (59%) of UK businesses agree or strongly agree that there is clearly a positive link between investment in design and profitability.”

So it seems that design is already contributing to the bottom line of many businesses. But how does it actually work? In a white paper published by the Design Council Will Hutton described design as: “the bridge between the consumer questing for the experiential and the company trying to meet that appetite with an offer that presents the new in a user-friendly and innovative way.”

If we take the example of the development of a new product, design can play a part in the initial market research, the physical product itself, identifying the best way to target the right audience, packaging the product and advertising to get the word out there when it is available. A Business Link article explains: “Successful businesses include design as part of their business strategy from the outset because involving design at an early stage can save you money and result in a better experience for your customers.”

At Kipper, one of the first things we do with new clients is to carry out a design audit. Put simply this is getting everything out on the boardroom table (flyers, website, product labels, business cards, adverts etc) and reviewing it together. Your customers will come into contact with your business through a variety of different avenues: they may see bus advertising, walk past your showroom and get a flyer through their door. All these ‘touch points’ should give a clear and consistent message. To continue our example; spending money on the design of your flyers may be wasted if your bus ads don’t convey the same great impression. People may tune out if they can’t see consistency of brand; they may even not link the two!

Sir Martin Sorrell (CEO of the world’s biggest advertising agency, WPP) recently made the following comment talking about how business is dealing with the current global financial crisis: “Instead of investing in plant and equipment, companies are investing in brand and trying to build sales and market share.”
But it’s not just international businesses. Sussex-based security firm Beacon Services recorded a rise in new business conversion rate from 49% to 85% following a rebrand to reposition the company in their marketplace. Matthew Robinson at Beacon commented: “Kipper have been an invaluable partner throughout the whole design process and we are delighted with the results.”

Design can play a key role in your businesses success and add value to the bottom line. If you are interested in having a free design audit for your company, call Kipper today on 01444 884115.

David Tingley, Creative Director, Kipper

C4's Seven Dwarves: a very small ad campaign

To promote Channel 4's new series Seven Dwarves – an observational documentary "following the lives of seven dwarf actors as they live together and perform in a production of Snow White" (we're not making this up) – 4Creative has subverted the notion of a huge billboard campaign by creating 20 mini poster sites.

Twenty of the miniature billboards, each a perfect scale model of a 48-sheet poster site, complete with working lights and a stand-alone frame, have been placed in various locations around London over the last week or two including Cromwell Road and Picadilly circus.

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